AMA with Kfir Cohen on Reddit!
Kfir is here in California and ready for his upcoming training courses with you, rain or shine. To get things started, he’s holding a Q&A session on Reddit. Check out his AMA interview on the /r/kravmaga subreddit.
Kfir is here in California and ready for his upcoming training courses with you, rain or shine. To get things started, he’s holding a Q&A session on Reddit. Check out his AMA interview on the /r/kravmaga subreddit.
Kfir Cohen, professional counter-terror instructor based in Israel, returns to the Bay Area in January for a series of firearms training courses. Discounts are available for weekend and full training packages. Space is limited – we sold out with a full waitlist last time! ITPS Pistol Series Live Fire – Fairfield, CA ITPS Pistol 1 […]
On June 13, KMI in partnership with Luigge Romanillo, 17-year Veteran USAF Pararescue Jumper (PJ) and owner of ADAPTAGEAR, held our unique 3TMC Tactical Medicine course. This totally sold out course had students from join various local and state agencies, including the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, and members of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) who […]